Rise to the Occasion: The Benefits of Competing Against Superior Athletes

Competing against people who are better than you can seem daunting, but it is actually one of the best ways to improve your skills and become a better person. In this article, we will discuss the benefits of competing against people who are better than you and why it is a valuable experience that you should embrace.

The Benefits of Competing Against People Better Than You

As we all know, competing against people who are better than you can be intimidating. I can’t tell you the number of times, even as a collegiate coach, my freshmen come up to me scared out of their minds entering their first indoor track and field meet because a big school showed up. More often than not, it has to do with a feeling of inadequacy and a fear of looking bad in front of a crowd. But, as I say to all of them, it’s one of the best ways to improve your skills, and no one gives a shit but you. No one cares more about your failing than you. Not your family, not your teammates, not the other competitors, not your coaches – just you. The only way you’ll even be remembered at a competition is for either absolutely dominating the competition or epically failing (making a big scene by crying or screaming, getting carted off the field, face-planting, etc). 

When you are surrounded by people who are better than you, you are challenged to push yourself to your limits and improve your abilities. It’s a great time to take advantage of the oftentimes rare opportunity to see where you can go and be dragged along to a level you’ve yet to experience. This can help you become a better person in a variety of ways, including:

  1. Improved Confidence: When you compete against people who are better than you, you are forced to face your fears and insecurities. This can help you build confidence and become more self-assured in your abilities. When you’ve faced the best, everyone else looks human.

  2. Better Skills: When you are competing against people who are better than you, you are challenged to improve your skills. This can help you become more knowledgeable and proficient in your chosen sport.

  3. Greater Motivation: When you compete against people who are better than you, you are inspired to work harder and push yourself to new heights. This can help you stay motivated and driven, even when the going gets tough.

  4. Greater Perspective: When you compete against people who are better than you, you gain a greater perspective on your own abilities. This can help you understand your strengths and weaknesses, and make improvements where necessary. This is a rare gift you should take advantage of.

Embracing the Challenge

Sure, it can be intimidating, scary even, but that’s life and that’s precisely the stimulus we need as humans to excel. It is important to embrace the challenge. This can help you build resilience, improve your skills, and become a better person long-term. When you are competing against people who are better than you, remember to:

  1. Stay Positive: When you are competing against people who are better than you, it is easy to get discouraged. However, it is important to stay positive and focus on your own abilities. Remember that everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses, we all start at different places, we all are focused on different aspects of training, and you must focus on improving your own skills. Put what you’ve been learning to the test and compete, don’t overthink or worry about them.

  2. Keep an Open Mind: When you are competing against people who are better than you, it is important to keep an open mind. Try to learn from their strengths and improve your own abilities. This can help you discover new paths and reach new heights.

  3. Be Humble: When you are competing against people who are better than you, it is important to be humble. Remember that everyone has their own journey and respect their abilities. This can help you maintain good relationships and gain valuable insights into your own abilities.

Final Thoughts

Competing against people who are better than you is frightening at times for everyone, but it is actually one of the best ways to actually get better. By embracing the challenge, staying positive, keeping an open mind, and being humble, you can reap the many benefits of competing against people who are better than you. 

Remember, while there are people better than you, and there always will be, you’re also better than others. Imagine the same feeling you have is the same feeling that someone under you feels toward you. You’re all on the same journey to get to the next level, and you can’t climb a mountain without the trek. One step at a time, one day at a time, one competitor at a time.

Worrying about who you are facing, or who’s in the lane next to you is a good way of losing the competition before it’s even begun. They are living rent-free in your head and taking you out of focusing on what you’re learning. It’ll make you compete more stiffly, less focused, and generally crappier. Let the tides take you because it can be one hell of a wonderful ride!


CoachXPro specializes in amplifying and expanding the skills of high level athletes. Our job is to coach an athlete's speed and power to match their physical potential.


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